
《When you say nothing at all》這首著名的鄉村歌曲由Paul Overstreet和Don Schlitz創作, Keith Whitley演唱,收錄在其第三張錄音室專輯《Don't Close Your Eyes》(1988年)中。
分享when you say nothing at all中英文歌詞

When You Say Nothing At All
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
你一開口 就正合我意 這就是神奇的默契
without saying a word you can light up the dark
不言一語 就足以把黑暗驅離
try as I may I could never explain
我千方百計 竟也道不出這種魔力
what I hear when you don't say a thing
就算靜謐無言 我也能聽到的天籟之語
the smile on your face lets me know that you need me
你臉上的笑意 讓我篤定需要我的人是你
there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
你眼眸流轉的真情 向我訴說你會不離不棄
the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
你掌心傳來的溫度 會在我跌倒時把我扶起
you say it best when you say nothing at all
一切盡在不言中 有此默契足矣
All day long I can hear people talking aloud
整夜整日 充斥耳膜的都是人聲鼎沸
but when you hold me near you drown out the crowd
但當你靠近我時 萬籟傾刻靜寂
Old Mr. Webster could never define
what's been said between your heart and mine
不知道咱們雖然身無彩鳳 但卻心有靈犀
the smile on your face lets me know that you need me
你臉上的笑意 讓我篤定需要我的人是你
there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
你眼眸中流轉的真情 向我訴說著你會不離不棄
the touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall
你手掌傳來的溫度 會在我跌倒時把我扶起
you say it best when you say nothing at all
一切盡在不言中 有此默契足矣
When You Say Nothing At All
以下是這首天籟單曲when you say nothing at all(愛盡在不言中)配《飛屋環遊記》的MV視頻: