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堅持做20件小事 你的人生大不同(英文版)

堅持做20件小事 你的人生大不同
1. Stay positive. 保持積極樂觀的心態 You can listen to the cynics and doubters and believe that success is impossible or you can know that with faith and an optimistic attitude all things are possible. 你可以選擇聽憤青和懷疑論者在那裡叨念“成功是不可能的”,你也可以選擇堅守信仰,
保持樂觀的心態,相信“萬事皆有可能”。 2. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement: My purpose is__. 每天早上起床的時候,就想想怎麼填完整下面這句話:我的目標是__。 3. Take a morning walk of gratitude. It will create a fertile mind ready for success. 每天早晨進行一次”感恩散步“,這會滋養你的精神沃土,為成功做好準備。 4. Instead of being disappointed about where you are. Think optimistically about where you are going. 與其對你現在所處的位置感到失望,不如樂觀地想想你前進的方向。 5. Eat. 吃東西 Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card. 早餐吃得像國王,午餐吃得像王子,晚餐吃得像用光了賒帳卡限額的學生。 6. Remember that adversity is not a dead-end but a detour to a better outcome. 記住,逆境並不是盡頭,而是更好的結果的一個轉角而已。 7. Focus on learning, loving, growing and serving. 專注于學習、關愛、成長和服務。 8. Believe that everything happens for a reason. Expect good things to come out of challenging experiences. 你要相信凡事皆有因果。面對挑戰才能有好事降臨。 9. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 別在流言蜚語上、過去的事情上、消極的想法上和你不能控制的事情上浪費你寶貴的精力。相反,積極的當下時刻才是你需要花精力的地方。
10. Mentor someone and be mentored by someone. 指導別人,同時也接受別人的指導。 11. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. 生活就是不公平的,但還過得下去。 12. Remember there's no substitute for hard work. 什麼也代替不了努力工作。 13. Each day when you wake up in the morning ask: "What are the three most important things I need to do today that will help me create the success I desire?"Then tune out all the distractions and focus on these actions. 每天早晨起來問問自己:“今天我要做哪三件可以助我成功的事情?”然後拋開雜念,全神貫注完成這些事情。 14. Complaining is like vomiting. Afterwards you feel better but everyone around you feels sick. 抱怨就跟嘔吐一樣。你自己是爽了,可你周圍的人都得跟著遭殃。 15. Read more books than you did last year. 今年比去年多讀點書。 16. Get more sleep. You can't replace sleep with a double latte. 保證睡眠時間,一杯特濃拿鐵替代不了一夜好眠。 17. Each day focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do. Life is a gift not an obligation. 每天關注在你想做什麼,而不是你要做什麼。生活是恩賜而不是義務。 18. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful for __. Today I accomplished__. 每晚臨睡前完成如下陳述:我對__充滿感恩。今天我完成了__。 19. Smile and laugh more. They are natural anti-depressants. 微笑大笑,多多益善。這是天然的抗抑鬱藥。 20. Enjoy the ride. You only have one ride through life so make the most of it and enjoy it. 珍惜你的人生之旅。每個人只能有一次這樣的人生旅行,盡你所能地享受珍惜你的人生吧。