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英語勵志詩歌:青春的渴望Aspirations of youth

Aspirations of youth 青春的渴望 【英國】詹姆斯·蒙哥馬利 James Montgomery Higher,higher,will we climb, 更高,更高,願我們 Up the mount of glory, 攀登上光榮的階梯, That our names may live through time 我們的名字就能永存 In our country's story; 在我們祖國的史冊; Happy,when her welfare calls, 幸福啊,當她一聲召喚, He who conquers,he who falls! 他就去拼搏,就去攻堅! Deeper,deeper,let us toil 更深,更深,讓我們 In the mines of knowledge; 在知識礦藏中開發; Nature's wealth and learning's spoil 自然財富和學術精品 Win from school and college; 從學校研究院吸納; Delve we there for richer gems 願我們在此發掘的珍寶, Than the stars of diadems. 比王冠的星星更加光耀。 Onward,onward,will we press 向前,向前,願我們 Through the path of duty; 推進這職責的常規; Virtue is true happiness, 做好事是真正的福分, Excellence true beauty. 美德卻是真正的美。 Minds are of supernal birth: 頭腦會超塵脫俗地成長: Let us make a heaven of earth. 讓我們創造人間的天堂。