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The play Hamlet is written by William Shakespeare, the greatest drama as well as the greatest poet in the world literature in The English Renaissance. Hamlet, one of the four tragedies among Shakespeare’s lifetime works, is generally regarded as his most popular play on the stage, for it has the philosophical exploration of life and death.

The play opens with Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is the leading role, appearing in a mood of world-weariness occasioned by his father’s recent death and by his mother’s hasty remarriage with Claudius, his father’s brother. While encountering his father’s ghost, Hamlet is informed that Claudius has murdered his father and then taken over both his father’s throne and wisdow, Hamlet has strong revenge wish. Thus, Hamlet began to seek revenge for his father. But Hamlet has none of the single-minded blood lust of the earlier revengers. It is not because he is incapable of action, but because the cast of his mind is so speculative, so questioning, and so contemplative that action ,when it finally comes, seem almost like defeat, dimishing rather than adding to the statue of the hero. One side is murdered his father's tooth pain, father dead sound collection, the other side is the life value of serious thought, born with a melancholy temperament. Hamlet lies between the two hard wander. Trapped in a nightmare world of spying, testing and plotting, and apparently bearing the intolerate burden of the duty to revenge his father’s death, Hamlet is obliged to inhabit a shadow world, to live suspended between fact and fiction, language and action. Hamlet viewed everything with suspicion: human hypocrisy, heaven 's injustice, finally, finally reached this suspicion state vertex : " to be or not to be" . His life is one of constant role-playing, examing the nature of action only to deny its possibility, for he is too sophisticated to degrade his nature to the conventional role of a stage revenger.

Hamlet once is an optimistic, happy prince, while becomes heavyhearted after his father’s death and mother’s remarriage. It rightly turns out a usual saying that a person’s characteristic change up to the circumstances to be right. For instance, Hamlet’s remarks “to be or not to be , that’s the question.” is constantly been quoted when modern individuals are hard to make a hard decision whether to give up or not.

The personality decides destiny, this is the truth. The tragedy of the tragic fate of his character buried a foreshadowing. In this character, ideas he was trying to torment revenge. He became the full vengeance. And all this leads him to weak mother mood is, on the beloved woman to pay no heed, leading him to kill lover’s father, led to his eventual fall into the trap set by the enemies. Finally, the desire for revenge is finally achieved, but all good things are broken: Hamlet's lofty ideals and high aspirations, love like life, mother fragile existence. The ending is miserable, all the main characters die, while it deserves thinking deeply.

This is a tragedy, with its roots in the Hamlet irresolute and hesitant character, this is the tragic character. Hamlet gives us a great touch, in his character, Hamlet has created a human tragedy. Reading Hamlet is a quiet valuable experience in which I understand a lot.


As one of four of Shakespeare's most famous tragedies, in my view of Hamlet is one of the most classic one. He was there all the tragic Prince who had assembled at the poor.

Father was his uncle killed, mother remarry, was still married under a horizontal bar in front of carriage for armrest of his father's enemy, unfortunately died after lover crazy, finally together with his friends, mothers in this tragedy, was completely engulfed. This series is derived from the desire of the tragedy and hatred. Uncle's greed and desire made him contrary to justice these cults undertake irrational things, also attracted its own nephews could not be

devoid of hatred, but also unable to avoid the curse of the seeds of their own destiny, until finally breaking up. But what about the little Prince, in deep sorrow because of father's death, because of his father's Ghost and the initiation of thoughts of revenge. So step by step plan, wants revenge for the father to their own, but tried again protection of his mother, but never thought about the accident continues, mothers, lovers, friends, they will be lost.

Shakespeare seems to use this text as the world reveal terrible hatred, it is a double-edged sword, a very sharp, also full of poison-coated double edged sword. Use his people as is sell their soul to the devil, blinded and then stab other people at the same time, will inevitably be black and blue himself, bloody. Curse of human hatred and exclusion has not stopped, the count of Monte Cristo, Dumas a. also to explain the hatred more evil than evil itself. No matter what the reason, raise your hate is the beginning of all evils and misfortunes. Although settled this, humans don't get rid of the ghosts, people to hatred and others killed himself, and even blood have failed to scrub it off.

Hamlet continuously in a variety of ways by people of various forms of derivative works, movie part one, people Never tire of seeing … stems from the plot of the drama of Hamlet is compact, the climax occur repeatedly, surprise continuously, all tension is to wait until the end of the story will be slowed. Varied interpretations of the works of the master continues to give us new surprises and unexpected, hatred of interpretation, the interpretation of

Shakespeare. Even if some are not too satisfactory, people are still curious. Because Shakespeare, because the greatest drama writer and one of his greatest works, interpretation no matter from which angle would allow people on this classic once again to a spiritual dialogue, every conversation is a new experience to life, this is the hamlet of charm. Writers they always begin a new line of text that the cold sword and terror. The double-edged sword of hatred, leave it to defend themselves much more sensible than his.()



Not long ago I just read the English version of "Diary of Anne Frank." In fact, this is not the first time I read this book. When I first read it in elementary school, and read the Chinese version. Then still small, still can not read, that means nothing. Now it seems there feeling very deeply.

Anne Frank was a Jewish girl. She could and ordinary girl, living a happy life, but she was not hiding different parents attic. Anne all day hiding in dark little attic to escape the Nazi's killing. She could not get close to nature, can not be friends like before play. In the shadow of the shadow of death, Anne only keep a diary to get through tough every day. For her, the diary as her friends, her only friends can rely on and talk. She wrote in her diary a lot, there are silent on the racial discrimination complaint, more of the outside world, the natural yearning for thinking about life.

From her diary, I can imagine she was helpless, fear, but a more leisurely and calm. This is a great girl.

After reading the "Diary of Anne Frank", my heart is very heavy. Nazi racial discrimination, maiming and killing innocent pretty much the same as Anne's children. War is always nasty, it makes human experience is a market catastrophe.

Thank you "Diary of Anne Frank" and let people see the ugliness of war, to get people to think about and condolences for the unfortunate people.

Do not like history repeating itself, pray for world peace forever.



The novel described for the 20's through the perfect artistic form to sell "the American dream" which liquor nouveau riche Gates compared pursues vanishing, has promulgated the American society's tragedy. Gates and bids good-bye compared to and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red love originally is the very ordinary love story. But the author makes a masterly opening move, compared to the girl which is in love treats as Gates the youth, the money and the status symbol, treats as * the method pursue wealthy material life "the American dream".

Gates compares in order to pursue the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red to exhaust own sentiment and the ability and wisdom, finally ruined own life. He naively thought that, Had the money to be able to revive an old dream, redeems the love which lost.

He was what a pity wrong. He looked at mistakenly black eyebrow coloring alizarin red this vulgar superficial woman. He looked at mistakenly on the surface the debauchery but the spiritual sky empty bored society. He lives in the illusion, is gotten rid by the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red, is desolate for the society, finally has cast the tragedy which is unable to recall. The Gates ratio is the 20's models American youth. His bitter experience is precisely the happy song smiles the dance "knight the time" the portrayal.

The author has designed for the novel "the dual leading character" Nick the Carrow prestige. His importance is not inferior to the leading character Gates ratio in many aspects. He not only is the story narration and commentary, also is in the novel a important personage. He both is having the very complicated relations with contradictory both sides. He is Gates compared to neighbor and friend, also is the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red cousin, Tom's schoolmate, but also is being in love black eyebrow coloring alizarin red good friend Jordan.

He acted as Gates to compare after the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red distinguishes the go-between which 5 years remet, the sympathy which also became which the Gates ratio to revive an old dream the criticism and he suffers kills. He although advances into to the Long Island luxurious reside ntial district, but he already is not "wilderness time" which Tom represents inner world citizen, also is not worships blindly the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red which Gates compares represents to be separated from the reality the illusion world fellow traveller. He represents the American mid-west the traditional ideas and the moral criterion. He happiness illusion which loses compared to the pursue has many critical criticisms regarding Gates, regarding was fastidious the semblance but innermost feelings vulgar Tom and the black eyebrow coloring alizarin red has carried on fair whipping.



As the only living things on a bare planet called “Just Like Home”, humans felt lonely and sad. In order to live, they must get married as often as possible and have children. Unwilling to get married, our 16-year-old protagonist named Humming Bird ran away from her planet and found a plastic space ship. There she met various kinds of animals, which frightened her even drove her crazy. She had never seen such things before. Only through ‘The Book Of Remembering’ did she get some rough idea of animals. After she took a small-copied cat home and showed it to the officials on her planet, the cat was shot to death and all the officials went crazy. Humming Brid didn’t give up her attempt to let people accept the animals. She decided to set about the job from children…

That’s the brief plot of Harry Gilbert’s science fiction—。 Based on the reality of increasing environmental problems, the writer uses his full imagination and creativity to produce this vivid imaginative and thought-provoking story.

As far as we know, animal numbers are now diminishing all over the world every years, and the living conditions we depend on a getting worse. We dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. We also pollute our surroundings in many other ways. Air, water and soil are all very important and necessary to the survival of all living things all over the world. If we human don’t pay more attention to that, there will come a day when we have to live the kind of life described in this novel. As we know, the world is made up not only of human beings but also a lot of other living things. If we don’t want to leave this perfect planet, we have to protect the environment; otherwise, without the company of other living things, people would only be half-alive, men only half-men.

Nowadays, I should say, people have realized the importance of environmental protection and ecological balance. Slogans that remind us to save water and electricity are stuck everywhere, but how many are treated as requirements or duties and not just a piece of paper. If we pay a little attention to our working and study places, we always find some taps half opened with running water, and large numbers of people get used to leave lights on during the day. Dustbins for both recycled and unredeemable rubbish are placed in high density but no one bothers to throw the rubbish into the right dustbins. Nor do they even know what kind of rubbish could be recycled and what kind could not.

Conservation centers for protecting animals are built in many countries. Our government also passed some acts to protect animals; however, there do exist some law-breakers who are driven by money. We plant trees very year, but no one bothers to water and care for them after planting them. For money, some farmers drive their sheep and cattle to grasslands and charge it into desert.

All in all, to every one, I want to say, “Living on this wonderful planet earth, we are lucky and happy. In order to enjoy this kind of wonderful life, we must care for mother earth and put this kind of care into practice.”

Facing the world, to be or not to be, it’s up to you. We must make a choice without any hesitation!()





雖然掙得不多,但是卻是自己的汗水換來的物品,自()己也是非常開心的。 作者說,小錢可以給人們帶來許多快樂,但是大錢卻很少會給人們帶來真正的快樂。

