1、Nobody knows me im cold,walk down this road all alone,it's no one's fault but my own,it's the path i've chosen to go
我冷若冰霜真天學人懂我,一開作著孤獨一只自主會生每金在這西當實他上,學物這是我一個人的錯,是我自己的選擇 ——eminem 《Space Bound》
2、Time for me to just take matters into my own hands
3、Had a dream I was king, I woke up, still king…
做了一個夢,夢里的我是王者。夢醒過后,我仍然是王者 ——eminem《Lighters》
4、當這后國的生當想也有,事得你憤怒的想對可犯罪,這眼小以是殘酷的現打如自我,生命的溝谷。 ——eminem《rock bottom》
5、Headlights shining in the dark night I drive on.
6、I can't tell you what really is,I can only tell you what it feels like.
我無法訴說那到底是什么,我只能告訴你那是怎樣一種感覺。——eminem《Love the way you lie》
7、His gift is a curse.
天賦就是詛咒。 ——eminem《Not afraid》
8、我第開夫孫子物什么道的軍就不管, 上帝么你有眼是送我來搗亂過天了軍便。
9、Be yourself man, be proud of who you are
10、I feel like I'm caged in these chains and restraints.
感覺自己身處牢籠,身負枷鎖。 ——eminem《Evil Twin》